What to Expect

What to Expect

Each Sunday morning at 9.30 am a group of between 60 and 80 people gather for worship and fellowship.
The style is informal but well formed.
We are a range of ages. From babies to seniors. All are equally valued.
Newcomers are welcomed without being overwhelmed. We won’t try and give you a job!
The music is bright and thoughtfully presented. We use a variety of music and like to try new things.
Dress is casual. We don’t mind suits or tee shirt and thongs.
The service is around 60-75 minutes long and we gather for a chat afterwards.
Some of us then head off to local cafes for further coffee and chats – all welcome!

See our Worship page for more info.

On Sunday evenings we gather in different ways, at different times and in different places!

Messy Church is held every 2 months.

Please check our Event calendar for other activities.

We always try to keep our Events Calendar up to date so you know what’s happening this week!

During the week we have a number of groups who meet regularly. Again, check out our Events Calendar and the Newsletter for more information.

Come join us! You are welcome.