Book Group

Book Group

We have a book group that meets regularly to enjoy each other’s company over coffee and to share our thoughts about a recent book that encourages and challenges our faith and helps equip us for Christian living. There are usually 7 or 8 of us including our Minister.

We meet on the first and third Tuesday morning of the month, at 9.30am for an hour, at the various venues. See Events calendar for dates.

Past books include:

  • Marcus Borg: ‘Jesus’, and ‘Speaking Christian’
  • Andrew Dutney: ‘Backyard Theology’ and ‘Food, Sex and Death’
  • Sharonne Price: ‘Soulstice’
  • Brian D. McLaren: ‘A Generous Orthodoxy’
  • Denise Champion: ‘Yarta Wandatha’
  • Andrew Dutney: ‘Angels in this Wilderness’
  • Brian McLaren: Faith After Doubt

To find out when we’re meeting next, see Coming Events.

For more information please contact the church office.