Messy Church

Messy Church

What is it?

Messy Church is ‘Church, but different’!
Messy Church helps both children AND adults encounter Jesus through creativity, celebration and hospitality. We use hands-on activities to explore Bible stories, reflect and give everyone a chance to play together. Messy Church is also about hospitality, expressed through creating a safe space for all and sharing a meal together.

When is the next Messy Church?

Sunday 11th August 2024 from 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm

What will be our focus?

Messy Church Dates 2024

Sunday 11th August 2024 from 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm

Sunday 13th October 2024 from 4.00 to 6.00 pm

Sunday 8th December 2024 from 4.00 to 6.00 pm

Do I need to RSVP?

It is helpful to know if you’re coming so we can prepare for you. So if you are able please RSVP to Let us know how many (and who) will come with you. Any there any dietary requirements we need to be aware of? Is there anything else we need to know? If you forget to RSVP that’s okay, we will still love to have you join us!

Like to know more about Messy Church?

Read more about Messy Church here:

If you have any questions please contact us at

You can also check out this video: