TEAR Australia was founded in 1971 and produced the first Gift Catalogue of its kind in 1994. They work in partnership with local Christian organisations around the world and with Indigenous Australians to help them address root causes of poverty and marginalisation.
Inspired by Jesus’ call to love our neighbours, regardless of background or belief, they focus on projects that seek to improve the lives of the poorest and most marginalised people, uniting communities and empowering men and women as they work together to direct their own future.
At Athelstone UC, Don and Brian will be available at the Tear Fund Table on Sunday mornings until Christmas with Gift Fund catalogues and gift cards.
The gifts in the catalogue reflect the way that God’s generous heart reaches those who face poverty and injustice as we take up the opportunity to share out of our abundance with the world –wide community in the name of Christ.
Jesus put it this way “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly”.